Sons and Daughters, many of you have struggled with the same sin, same problem and same addictions for quite some time. You have felt like a train going round and round in circles, never getting to a ‘new place’… and the journey has begun to bore you.
But it is the Lord who brings the freedom, not you. Don’t strive to break cycles that you are unable to stop. Rather, run into His presence and He will do the breaking of what binds you. He says to you today, ‘I am breaking you out of your boredom and your cyclical struggles. I am ‘wooing’ you again with fresh fire and passion. I am encountering you this day and reordering your life. I made you to be one who would go from glory to glory and I am revealing to you that this is a life that you can live.
I do not desire for you to get ‘stuck’ in routine, rather I have new things for you ever day, I have new blessings to pour on you when you wake up and fresh revelations to give to you as you dream at night. I have more than enough to make your life one of excitement and not of ‘same old, same old’.’
Choose to run into the presence of God today. He desires to ‘woo’ you again and break you out of cycles and habits that have hindered your walk with Him for quite some time! Say no to the status quo and press in for the new.
Lamentations 3:23
Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.
A Royal Priesthood
The Sovereign Lord says: “Rejoice, My people, for I have...
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