You don’t look like the world, Lion –  your Lion Bites word for today

You don’t look like the world, Lion. You’re from another world, a Heavenly city that has values and precepts, unlike anything this world has to offer. You sound different, act different and carry a power unrivalled by any power in the earth realm. You’re chosen and set apart and belong to the army that God is raising up in these days. God is calling to you, to the sanctified and set apart, to arise and partner with Him to usher in the next move of His glory into the earth. Will you shake off your slumber, partner with God’s refining fire, and set yourself apart?

1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

All of You or Nothing

GPA Worship

Featuring Ali McFarlane

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