You are seeded in God – your Lion Bites word for today

Job 14:7-9
At least there is hope for a tree: If it is cut down, it will sprout again, and its new shoots will not fail. Its roots may grow old in the ground and its stump die in the soil, yet at the scent of water it will bud and put forth shoots like a plant.

You may feel that you are like this tree stump written about in the book of Job – that you have been cut back and are looking for any sign of life, a sign of hope!

Know this: God has planted seeds of His life and His word in you. You are nutrient-rich, fertile soil. There is life in you!

When you look at your life, circumstances or an area you are desperate to see breakthrough in and are not yet seeing the transformation or fullness but have only a promise, a prophetic word, a vision from the Lord, take heart. Know that even today, God’s seeds planted in you and in your circumstances are there and they are about to spring to life and germinate.

They are beautiful! They are designed by God the Creator. They are unique, perfectly formed and filled with uncontainable life! I see the bright green shoots bursting out of the seeds’ husk. At the scent of water in the natural, seeds spring up. Here too, in the Spirit, your seeds of life are springing up at the scent of the rain about to be poured out from Heaven. So be encouraged, dear one, there is life in you and your circumstances that have looked to you as though they were dormant or hopeless.

Hear this. Speak it out loud over yourself and your circumstances:
“There is life in you!”
“There is life in me!”
It is germinating and springing forth! It is a life that is not able to be contained but has been designed by the Creator to replicate and multiply.

These seeds are about to burst forth and grow at the scent of watering from God. They will then multiply and replicate as you stay positioned in God and allow His light of life, the food of His word and the watering of His Spirit to continue.

Be encouraged! The seeds of life are in you and they will spring forth!