
I am looking for a company of believers whose desire to be my hands and feet will be a motivating force in their lives. Individuals who are not afraid to take action, participate and to get involved. Those who will invest their energy and efforts into seeing my Kingdom plans established. 

Is that you, my child? 

Will you raise your hand to volunteer? 

Will you obediently sow your time to fulfil my purposes? 

Don’t be afraid to partner with me. I will lead and show you the way. I will equip, empower, and enable you. In addition to this, I will instruct and sustain you. Although your obedience may take you away from the security of your comfort zones, if you follow my guidance, it will benefit you and your neighbouring communities. My plans are advantageous to you.

Remember how Gideon, in Judges 6-7, was called a ‘mighty warrior’ and instructed to go and save Israel from Midian? Gideon responded by saying his clan was the weakest and he the least of his family. He doubted and needed more proof to build confidence, yet he obeyed. His willingness benefitted both himself and the children of Israel. Step boldly into my plans, my child. Willingly obey my instructions.


1.      Ask the Lord what are some of the plans he has for you.

2.      Ask him to enable you to willingly pursue and participate in his plans.

3.      Thank the Lord for his plans that benefit you and your community.

Psalm 51:11-13 (NLV)

… give me a willing spirit to obey you.

Isaiah 1:19 (NKJV)

If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land;

Jeremiah 29:11 (RSV)

For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.


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