I am stripping off your wrong mindset and peeling the scales off your eyes. Your vision is blurred by this world’s standards. Let your eyes keep watch for Me, your Bridegroom. My eyes are looking to see people who will love My precepts, who will meditate on My ways and treasure them as displayed by their actions. Do you remember once I spoke, “Where your treasure is, there is your heart”? Let Me be your treasure. Today, make the decision that you will serve Me, your LORD, and GOD.
Prayer: My darling and Precious LORD, I ask You to consecrate my heart to You. I do not know what is in there but You do. I repent for allowing my mind to wander and walking on the path that is not Yours. Please forgive me for not submitting my heart to Your LORDSHIP and now here, LORD, do what pleases You. It is safe in Your hands. Make me the person whom You want me to be. I am asking You in Your beautiful Name, JESUS. Amen.
(Pray this over others as you feel led.
1 Peter 3:11-12 (NIV)
Walk away from the evil things in the world—just leave them behind, and do what is right, and always seek peace and pursue it. For the Lord watches over the righteous, and His ears are attuned to their prayers. But His face is set against His enemies; He will punish evildoers.