I heard the Holy Spirit ask, ‘Where are my watchmen?’
‘I am calling my watchmen and watchwomen to arise. I am calling to my intercessors, to those who stand in the gap, to come out of hiding. I am gathering you and I am deploying you this year. Watchmen, would you come out of your hiding and see that I am making a space for you on the earth? The work you do is hidden in the natural but seen in the spiritual. I am not calling you into visibility by man but into acceptance and welcoming by my body. The numbers of my watchmen have been few but I seek to add to you. I will add to you those who have previously been fearful and intimidated by this call and I will add to you even those who ran from the duty in times past. I will multiply your numbers because you are a necessary battalion in my army for these days.’
Those who feel the stirring as you read this – the Lord is anointing you to be a prayerful, Spirit-filled watchman and intercessor for the days ahead. Hear the call of God, follow his direction for He has much to show you and much to do through you!
Ezekiel 3:17
Son of man. I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me.
A Royal Priesthood
The Sovereign Lord says: “Rejoice, My people, for I have...
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