Walk on the Waters

It’s time to walk out on the waters between the unknown and knowing trust.

Letting go of the familiar, it is time to count the cost.

Where trepidation and uncertainty seem to loom overhead; unheard, the cries of desperation seem to echo from within.

But as you move at My command, the seemingly impossible unfolds and forms a path. Upon the waters of impossibility, by faith, you make a track. Answers are coming swiftly, upgrades and downloads from heaven, to accelerate and propel you forward. These will bring illumination and revelation. 

Although your way may seem uncertain, know that I have it all in hand; as you follow My lead and guidance, I will cause you to inherit the land.

Activation: Spend some time with Jesus and ask Him if there’s anything He wants you to

release to Him. Ask Him what He wants to reveal to you about moving forward in

faith with Him.

Suggested prayer: “Lord, I choose to place my trust in You, despite how I feel and

any uncertainties that I’m experiencing. Please strengthen me as I follow your lead

and move forward by faith.”

Matthew 14: 27-29 (NIV)

But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” “Lord, if

it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said. Then

Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.


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