Wage War

Stand up warriors!

There has been a battle waging with fear and intimidation these past months and each day that you have not given in, you have grown in stature, strength, and understanding. When you wage a battle you come to understand your enemy’s tactics. You learn their methods and default settings.

I have been allowing you to feel this pressure not so that you will be crushed, but so that you might learn how to swiftly defeat this enemy each and every time.

You stand before a series of opening doorways.

Fear and intimidation would try to creep in, seeking to stop you from walking through by stealing away your hope and expectancy.

Tell fear to go.

Tell intimidation it is a liar.

Rise up in this battle learning how to fully silence these enemies.

For you know that, “I am the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6, NIV). Face fear and intimidation head on, knowing that they will crumble as you rise up in faith and expectancy.

Activation: Ask Holy Spirit to show you the threshold you are standing before in the spirit and with his leading, enter into a time of thanksgiving and prayer for where you have seen victory in your life over fear and intimidation. With those reminders of successful past victories in mind, transition into a time of intercession against fear and intimidation not only for yourself, but for the entire body of Christ. 

Proverbs 29:25 (TPT)

Fear and intimidation is a trap that holds you back. But when you place your confidence in the Lord, you will be seated in the high place.

2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV)

For the Spirit of God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.


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