Valley of Your Heart

Is your heart full of Me? Or do worldly things creep in, stealthily filling the valleys of your heart with pain and loathing and offence? It’s time for a heart check with Me as your Guide. Walk with Me through the valleys of your heart, as we search hand-in-hand together. Allow Me to wash the deep places clean and fill them with My love.

For love overcomes offence. Love is the battlecry into becoming unoffendable. Let love be your guiding light as you walk out of offence into the generous, outrageous, wall-busting, heart-trembling, wildly triumphant love of God. 

Don’t let the world set the culture of your heart. It’s time to get rid of the old – old wounds, old grievances, old chains that no longer are yours to carry. Make the conscious choice to take them off and run joyfully into My freedom. 

Learn to use love as a shield to repel that which the enemy would have you hold as offences, and release peace instead. Where there is hate, show love. Where there is hurt, release forgiveness. Become unoffendable and confound those around you by sharing My love in all things. 

A prayer to say over yourself today: “Father, thank you for Your wildly magnificent love of Me. Teach me how to love others the way you love them. Show me how to be unoffendable and hold onto Your peace in all things and all situations. Amen.”

Romans 12:21 (NIV) 

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Proverbs 18:19 (ESV)

A brother offended is more unyielding than a strong city.


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