You have declared your love for me. You have spoken out your devotion to me and honoured me with your voice. I have heard your worship and praise. But your heart is divided. And, because of fear, you are holding tight to that which needs to be let go of. This depth of commitment that you feel has been inappropriately placed. Even as the words in your heart and from your mouth have been “I would give my life for this…” I am calling you – and warning you – to bring it to me now. Realign your emotions regarding this, so that I can take, fully, my rightful place in your life – and everything else will follow.
Exodus 34:14
Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.
I am Jealous for you. I will not share you. Hand over to me what has captured your heart and allow me to hold it. It is a burden (yes a burden) that you are not meant to carry.