The wind blowing, bringing visitation – your Lion Bites word for today

God showed me a street of houses. Immediately I was aware that a wind was beginning to blow. The wind seemed to have the ability to penetrate into each house. No houses could resist the wind and no house was passed by.

God is releasing the winds of His Holy Spirit and is blowing His holy presence into homes in our land. It is a time of divine visitation proceeding from God’s fiery heart of love for His world.

Some of our Bible heroes did not expect their visitation – for example, Sarah, Moses or Mary. But the Lord says to us – expect and look for a visitation of the Spirit. Pray for your friends and relatives as the winds of God blow, bringing revival and a harvest of souls.

Acts 2:2
Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.


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