I heard the Spirit of the Lord speak these words “arise, my love, my beautiful one, and come away…” (Song of Solomon 2:10)
God is arranging things so that you can come away for a season into a quiet place of intimacy, where there is no distraction or familiar noises to clamor for your attention. In this time alone with Him, listen to His voice as in the garden of Eden when God came down the cool of the evening. Turn your ear towards His voice and experience the sound waves of affirming love, know that you have a special place in His heart.
God wants you to know that He is pleased by your faithfulness in prayer and intercession as you stood in the gap for others, but now the Spirit of God is drawing you aside from the ‘battle’ to spend glorious time with Him. Father God longs to whisper words of love for your ears only and fill you with a new joy, as you realise you are chosen and ordained by Him before the foundation of the world.
Decide today to draw aside and spend time with God. New sweet communion and refreshing encounters with His Spirit will bring new vitality to your spirit as you partake in this coming away season.