There is a sound from heaven penetrating and piercing through earth’s atmosphere. It is the sound of victory!
The sound of victory roars out and myriads upon myriads of angels, all in battle dress respond with a roar and victorious cry.
As the cry pierces through the vale between the highest heaven and earth, do you hear it? Do you feel it reverberate in your spirit?
Listen for that victorious shout and see its effects as it intimidates and terrifies the enemy. That victory is for you. It touches you in your spirit, it touches you in your soul and brings life, vitality and energy to your entire being, transforming you from one degree of glory to the next.
Lift up your voice and join the cry. Give the shout of victory and praise over every situation that you find yourself in.
Joshua 6:16b
Shout! For the LORD has given you the city.
1 Thessalonians 4:16
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God

Abraham’s Trust (Part 3)
The Spirit of the Lord says, “Beloved one, there is...
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