‘My people, you have become too down-hearted and weary. I am restoring to you a deep joy that will carry you through this season of difficulty.’
There has been a weariness and an inability to see the good that has settled on some of God’s people as a result of a season of chaos. The Lord encourages you today: ‘I am giving you a deep joy that will strengthen you and enable you to keep pressing on through this season’.
This is not a fleeting joy that represents itself as momentary giggles or a surface-level ‘smile’. Rather, this is an ability to ‘rejoice’ through turmoil and attack. For the Lord says to you, ‘your joy will cause you to soar into the goodness this next season has for you.’
Psalm 28:7
The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart.
He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.

Abraham’s Test (Part 1)
Begin today by reading through Genesis 22:1-8 (NLT): “Some time...
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