The God Who Knows How

Yesterday, I talked about how well I know you and that I am committed to finishing the good work I started in you, because my plans for you are good.

Today, I am wanting to reassure you that because I know you so well I also know how to teach you. I understand you; I know you have different ways of learning.

Sometimes I will use memorable events and circumstances to act as a catalyst to move you into a new direction or give you a fresh revelation.

I know how to teach and lead you. There will be times when you need a change of direction because you need a change of diet; a fresh revelation and a renewed mind for the new season. That will be when I may be using the prodding to help you find my merciful course correction. Some of you need refreshing and rest and it’s time to go somewhere new in the spirit with me. A new experience can be my provision to help you learn another aspect of me. 

Activation: Ask the Lord to give you revelation about your circumstances. Is there a symbolic parallel that He is using to emphasise something? Is the ‘prodding’ of the circumstances a way to help you see that a change of direction is needed? If you sense that is what is happening to you, then remember the merciful nature of the Good Shepherd who is wanting to teach you to profit and lead you in the way you should go and ask Him for His merciful course correction. 

Isaiah 48:17 (NRSV)

Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I am the Lord your God, who teaches you for your own good, who leads you in the way you should go. 

(*In Isaiah the root of the word ‘teaches’ is actually similar to the goading or prodding of cattle. A good farmer will teach the cattle where to go for food and safety. He knows how to cause the cattle to learn. A good shepherd will also find ways to lead his flock). 


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