The Lord says to you, ‘I am leading you into the depths of my rest today,
so that you can see, hear and feel the compassion of my heart.
As you draw out of my heart, your voice will speak words of love, comfort
and blessing to those around you. You are a channel for my blessing to flow
into the world. I will bless you, just as Abraham was blessed so that he
could be a blessing to others. Even in your difficulties and trials, I am
blessing you.
Come to the depths of my rest, that fragrant place where I can fill you
with my sweet smelling blessing, a blessing that will flow out of you like
a perfumed oil, anointing those who you meet and speak to.’
*John 7:38*
*Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will
flow from within them.*

Faces of Flint (Part 2)
Those who have set their faces like flint, determined and...
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