This is not just an optional extra, but for your own well-being, safety and fulfillment; you must take my yoke, and my yoke only. Refuse to take on false responsibility. Refuse to take on the inappropriate responsibility that is being presented to you now. These will only weigh you down and hinder you. They will drain and steal your energies, your joy and your peace.
Be ready for my guidance on this. I’m asking you now to choose carefully and wisely what you take on and what you say yes to. Your time is precious to me. Your time, to me, is like precious stones – diamonds and rubies, emeralds and sapphires. You have viewed your time as worthless pebbles and said ‘yes’ out of feelings of obligation, rather than passion. I’m changing your perspective now, so that you can see what you have to give through my eyes. Worthless pebbles can be thrown away without thought, but precious stones need some consideration before being offered.
You carry my precious kingdom within you, my love, my passion. Now is the season of opportunity for you, to be released into what you love, and to see my goodness in your day to day. This is where you get to have fun!
Matthew 11:29
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.