Step Into The Now

It’s time to step in and enjoy the now, have you been waiting for what is coming next? Just sitting back spiritually, hoping for change but not moving in the now? 

You look to the future, but what about the present? I want to give you a window into my vision and glory for this time, for today. Will you stand up and start to look for it?

Do not hold or turn your gaze exclusively on expected future opportunities that you think are for tomorrow or next week. You can have glimpses of my glory NOW. Bring yourself to the NOW, not even an hour ahead. I am here for you NOW. Meditate on me, talk with me. Don’t miss me because you are only thinking of tomorrow. 

Hebrews 13: 8 The Message, 

For Jesus doesn’t change-yesterday, today, tomorrow, He’s always totally himself.

John 15: 15b. TPT, 

But I call you my most intimate friends, for I revealed to you everything that I’ve heard from my Father.


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