Speak Out

My children, I am calling you to use your voice. At times it appears safe to be silent and it may even seem stoic, wise, and reserved. However, in this season, I am calling you to speak out. Remaining silent at this moment is to position yourself on a noncommittal fence. I have placed in you the ability to become the solution in many situations. I have given you my wisdom. You are able to show accurate delineations, beneficial steps of progression, highlight injustices and even call for recants, turnarounds and reaffirmations when necessary. At this time your voice is paramount because I am requiring those who partner with my heart to speak out. As you align yourself with my thoughts, will, and desires, speak out so we can be a force for change together.

Consider David, anointed to become king as the youngest of Jesse’s sons. He worked as a simple shepherd boy tending sheep. 1 Samuel 16-17 shows he was not afraid to use his experiences as a springboard to catapult himself to new victories. I protected him and empowered him to overcome the lion and the bear. I enabled him to dispel the spirit tormenting King Saul with the plucking of strings from his lyre. I partnered with him as he boldly spoke my truths when faced with the battle against the Philistines. He ignored the taunting words of his older brother who called him ‘conceited.’ David spoke out, quoting his past victories. He used his voice to quell the fears of those around him and also highlighted the injustice of the situation.  He emphasised the authority King Saul’s military men had as, ‘armies of the living God’ and lack of authority Goliath had as a Philistine warring against them. Finally, he confidently made decrees regarding the outcome of the battle.

I established those decrees. I will establish yours. My children, I will cause you to become victorious as you boldly speak my truth. Speak out my children.


1.      How has the Lord given you successes in the past?

2.      In what way can those experiences help you with present challenges?

3.      Ask Jesus what he wants you to speak out?

4.      Ask him for the boldness to speak out.

1 Samuel 17:45 (NIV)

David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

Psalm 37:30 (NIV)

The mouths of the righteous utter wisdom, and their tongues speak what is just.

Psalm 81:10 (NIV)

I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.


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