I am taking you through a solidification process. I am taking you, the church, into an ordered solid-state from a disordered state. I am showing you what it looks like to be a purified bride. Forget the former. You are stepping into the new and refined church. You will have a new face, says the Lord. This face will look humbly surrendered. It will not worship performance, presentation or selfish ambition, but it will be wholesome and pure, full of righteousness and self-sacrifice. Your former ways are now being left at the altar in the burning fire. This fire will consume the former things so you can burn for Him wholeheartedly and with passion like never before.
Set your feet now on the narrow path that I have for you. I am making you a strong and united church this next season. It is now time to be the solidified church that I have destined for you. The year 2022 will be groundbreaking from the shaking that I have taken you through. Do not forget what it took to get you here. Do not forget what you have had to lose and give up in the previous seasons. Stay the course and finish well. This will be a momentous year that will bring alignment into the body of Christ.
Matthew 16:18 NLT
“Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.”
Activation: Ask the Lord what is not solidified in my spiritual life and walk with You? What needs to go and what can stay? Write these things in a journal as these things will be key in moving forward as we progress as the Body of Christ.