The Orphan Heart – Steve Hepden

£15.00 incl. VAT

“Have you ever felt that your life is going around and around in a cycle of one disappointment or disaster after another, or from one pattern of poor decisions to the next? Have you ever had the feeling that your own behaviours have been jeopardising or sabotaging your life, faith and relationships in ever decreasing circles of pain and hurt? Are you restless, always striving to achieve a goal that never seems to be attainable? Life doesn’t have to be like that! As Steve makes clear early on in this precious book, ‘you have stayed long enough at this mountain’ (quoting God’s words to Moses). The joyful truth is that you can be on a meaningful journey from one degree of glory to another, step by step moving forwards, in a secure relationship with your loving, Heavenly Father. This book will help you to move on from anywhere that you have become stuck – into healing, freedom and the abundant blessings that God has for you on the path of true sonship that is ahead of you.” – EMMA AND DAVID STARK

Availability: In stock (can be backordered)

SKU: 978-1-908154-58-3 Category:


Written with vulnerability and transparency, this powerful and pivotal book introduces us to emotional pandemic that transcends culture, race and geographical boundaries.

“I have to go away, but will not leave you orphans [fatherless], I will come to you” (John 14:18).

The truth that is shared is the key to a door opening up new possibilities for you to enter into a life of acceptance and freedom. It is impossible for any Christian to live their lives to the fullest God planned for them without first embracing their true identity as Sons and Daughters of a Father who is unconditional Love, and who is the restorer of every part of their lives.

“For in You [God] the orphan finds love compassion and mercy (Hosea 14:3, AMP).

Steve takes us on a journey into the heart of the Father, that pulsates with revelation of God’s goodness that’s clearly evident in Steve’s life. Above all, Steve points to a God in heaven who is the perfect father, perfect friend, and a comforter like no other can be. As we follow the path of this book to Him, we find the power and strength to heal, hope and live again.

Steve Hepden is an ordained minister with the Elim church and has a Masters degree in Applied Theology. He is married to Chris and they have two children and three granddaughters.

Steve is from a Pentecostal and Charismatic background with later involvement in an International Healing Ministry Centre. Since the 1980’s Steve has been itinerating into churches and speaking at conferences in the UK and abroad.

He has years experience planting churches, with involvement in all forms of leadership, in a pastoral and prophetic context. Steve’s calling is to minister wholeness and to encourage churches to come into a new and intimate relationship with God as a loving Father.

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The Orphan Heart – Steve Hepden
£15.00 incl. VAT

Availability: In stock (can be backordered)


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