“For the sake of His great name the Lord will not reject His people, because the Lord was pleased to make you His own” (1 Samuel 12:22)
Mother Teresa’s comment, “The biggest disease isn’t leprosy or cancer. It’s the feeling of being uncared for, unwanted, lonely or being abandoned” clearly sums up rejection. It is considered to be one of the most distressing events that people experience. None of us are immune and at some time we have all been or felt rejected. Rejection is an epidemic across society.
We have a fundamental need to belong and rejection destabilases us and the resulting disconnection we feel only adds to the pain. Rejection powerfully effects our emotions, thinking and behaviour, which will undermine and weaken our own value and esteem, and also our perception of God.
This book gives a comprehensive view into the source, causes and roots of rejection and how it can affect us at any time in our lives. ‘Rejection Hurts’ offers the reader a pathway towards recovery and release, based on a process of prayer ministry, which includes personal choice and responsibility and an acceptance of the love and power of God.
‘Rejection Hurts’ come’s out of many years of Steve’s experiences in listening and ministering to many who have been damaged by rejection’s toxic power. It presents a biblical base of understanding how long rejection has been around and how Jesus dealt with it at the cross.
A wonderful combination of pastoral and practical insights into the power and effects of rejection in today’s society