I heard the Spirit of the LORD say, ‘I am restoring stillness to my people.’
Have you have become so busy and consumed by worldly tasks and ventures that you are missing out on what God wants to do with you and through you? It’s possible to feel obligated or pressured by guilt into being a part of certain opportunities or taking on certain tasks that you know the Lord never told you to do. Time so quickly becomes consumed by task after task and then it is difficult to find time to lay aside to be alone with your Heavenly Father.
The Holy Spirit encourages you today – ‘I want to be your priority. As you put me at the top of your priority list I will teach you how to say ‘no’ to what I have not intended for you to be a part of. I do not desire for you to be burned out, I do not seek for you to become exhausted. I love to see you whole and healthy and I want to teach you how to live like this. Do not mistake stillness for immobility. As you are still in my presence, I will do the acceleration and the quickening of your forward movement.’
Do you need to pencil out some dates in your calendar where you choose to not do anything except spend time with your Father in Heaven? He so desires to spend quality time with you!
Psalm 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God
I will be honored by every nation.
I will be honored throughout the world.