Global Prophetic Alliance

Regarding “Statement from ACPE – 16 November 2024”

We are grateful for the thousands of messages of support that we have received during the last 48 hours since the ACPE statement and videos regarding us and our prophetic words. Links to the Global Prophetic Alliance (GPA) prophetic words (“War Rooms Ep.1”) are at the end of this document so that you can watch and weigh what we said for yourself. A pdf version of this document is available here.

A. Beliefs of the Global Prophetic Alliance

Regarding our history – We honour our prophetic father and mother pioneers who established, trained and equipped the church over the last 70 years. We especially honour Bishop Bill Hamon, a father in the modern prophetic movement, who has ministered faithfully for 70 years and who, in his 90th year, deserves all of our gratitude for his service to the church.

Regarding our present – We believe there is a fresh emerging, multi-generational, multi-ethnic, movement of purified prophets who will speak boldly into atmospheres without prejudice, preference, or a thought to personal comfort (Galatians 2:20). They will have zero tolerance for the corrupting yeast of the political and religious spirits (Mark 8:15) and will know how to cast off cultural opinions and the preferences of men. Therefore, we hold ourselves personally to a high standard of non-political allegiance, and non-partisanship. There must be other ways for new covenant prophets and prophetic people to operate beyond the models, systems, and structures of today, however well they might have once served the church. The prophetic movement – of which we accept we are a part – has fallen into disrepute in the wider body of Christ and now needs to be refined in order to step forward again.

Regarding our future – The fresh movement of prophets will live by the fear of the Lord and will see greater levels of glory than we have seen in the prophetic movements thus far. They will demonstrate different strengths within the prophetic, restoring what we see within the prophets of Scripture. They will oversee a mass harvest of souls because they are a sign of Jesus; they will not look to politics or earthly leaders for salvation.

Regarding Biblical prophetic behaviour – Prophets do not protect or defend their words, understanding that they only know and prophesy in part (1 Cor. 13:9). The Lord watches over His word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12). If they are erroneous words, they will not come to pass. Prophets do not always speak “peace” (Jeremiah 23:17). Even new covenant prophets must be brave truth tellers, even if their message is not popular. The Lord often uses people, messages, and discomfort to bring about His necessary transformation. True prophets are redemptive because of the relationship with the indwelling Spirit of Jesus Christ and the spirit of prophecy bears testimony to Jesus (Rev. 19:10). But redemption does not always mean that we get our personal preferences; that is the error of the over-reach of much of the prophetic. For example, when Isaiah tells Hezekiah he will die, it does not sound redemptive but provokes repentance (Is. 38:1-5).

Regarding us – Scripture instructs to “test the spirits” (1 John 4:1). Test us by our lives, our messages, and our fruit. Over many years our prophetic ministry has consisted of measurable and verifiable accuracy on both personal and national levels. Our private lives have been openly shared with the world across media – weekly, or more. On a recurring basis we replicate and release healthy prophets in the thousands, teach Scripture, minister freedom and healing, and engage with comments and questions with care and love for the body of Christ. We have an incredibly robust framework of voices who speak into our lives. As all good leaders should be, we are aware of our humanity.

B: Regarding the ACPE Statement

We accept the ACPE has done their weighing and they have decided the word is false. However, we believe that they have misunderstood us, as well as the word, and have turned its meaning upside down. This includes misquoting and taking words out of context. The ACPE have judged their summation of the word, versus the word itself.

We were surprised at the speed and weight of the response from the ACPE, having never dealt with any other prophetic word in this way before and did not give any time to truly measure if God was acting on the word. Sadly, there have been poor prophecies, scandals, immorality, erroneous theologies, and strange behaviours that have plagued the prophetic movement over the last twenty five years, and it is curious that this particular prophecy has caused so much consternation and an uncharacteristically rapid response. We therefore question whether, by choosing to rebuke this word at this time, it is exposing an underlying idolatry and protectionism.

The words released for the USA were categorically not political words, nor words with a political motivation or agenda. They were words about holiness within a nation. We believe the prophetic words were given to expose the heart of the people of God – and to that end it appears to be accomplishing this. In labelling this word false it seems the ACPE have united around a political ideology, with their response protecting their position. The ACPE statement defined their political preferences (which have been made very clear in many of the member’s social media posts over years).

We have been referred to as having given repeated false prophecies and implied as being false prophets by some in the ACPE. However, we have not denied the gospel of Jesus Christ, nor have a warped Christology which would in any way affect anyone’s salvation. Nor have we promoted any errant theological or moral stance.

The prophecy spoke symbolically about a figure who has been described as a type of messiah by politically conservative aspects of the prophetic movement and as such has garnered a political response. But the fundamental message is simple: “do not put your trust in princes” (Ps.146). Jesus is the hope of the nations. It is the role of the prophetic in the new covenant to testify to Him, bring alignment to His body, and speak the word of the Lord to all peoples. Prophets must do this in the hope that the people would repent and turn to Jesus – trusting in His redemptive work – rather than defend politicised prophecies.

It is actually our desire for the headship of Christ in the church and our unwillingness to see the gospel compromised that we are suffering for.

We are grieved by how the ACPE has chosen to operate and deal with us. Despite long standing relationships, none of those on their follow-up video broadcast (16 November) offered any conversation regarding their concerns – they did not ask to open dialogue, nor inform us that a public statement was being released. Instead, we read their judgement at the same time as the public through what might be considered a coordinated global smear campaign.

This reputational assassination of us, their own family, in a very public way is akin to infanticide, where a senior generation kills the next generation. In Scripture we read the tragic story of 1 Kings 13, where an older prophet (who had not maintained prophetic purity on their own patch) oversees the mauling of a younger, visiting prophet who had provoked their idolatry. This should be a cautionary tale for all of us who seek to lead and raise up prophets.

C: Important Note for Clarity

Do NOT commit acts of violence.
As stated (and subsequently repeated) with the release of the word: no one must take any aspect of the word as an incitement or provocation of violence, harm, or unkindness to anyone, of any political persuasion or none. Pray for peace.
We abhor the multiple assassination attempts that were made on President Trump’s life this year.
We also condemn the violent and denigrating words that were spoken against Vice President Harris by parts of the prophetic movement.

In all of the above responses we ourselves recognise that we fall short of the pure standards of Christ Jesus. We do not claim to have any unique special revelation or wisdom. We do not fully comprehend why we are here today writing these words, through tears and heartache, except that we seek to be obedient to God.

Fundamentally, it seems that we have a different ideological viewpoint to the ACPE of who the church is and how people and nations are saved, healed, delivered, and transformed.


David and Emma Stark
Leaders, Global Prophetic Alliance
& the Senior Leadership Team & Board of Trustees, GPA

You can view the prophetic words via the Global Prophetic Alliance YouTube channel or ad-free on GPA’s subscription video platform, POWERTV.

If you have not watched these videos yet, we recommend you begin with War Room “Fire of Purification | The War Rooms Ep.1”. (The thumbnail says, “God’s Glory or Man’s Glory?”) This 30 minute video, with David and Emma, contextually sets the scene and then Emma shares the word re. Donald Trump.

The second prophetic word is found in “What You Need to Know For the Coming Riots | The War Rooms Ep.2” (aka “Riots & Harvest”)

A lengthy discussion around aspects of these words is found in two Power Hour episodes, 308 and 309. In light of the ACPE statement, Episode 309, entitled “When Prophets Seem to Disagree” is very relevant

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