God wants to press the reset button of your life to shift somethings back to how He originally intended them to be. He says ‘Son’s and daughters, let me reintroduce you to yourself so that you can remember who you truly are rather than who you feel you have to be due to many situations that you’ve found yourself in. Let me reset how you approach me and my presence, let me reset how you approach yourself and consider who you are, let me reset some of the burdens and false responsibilities that you have picked up over time. Let me reset your life.’
Many of you will be wondering how this reset will happen. Will it be an immediate change? Will God press the button and it will happen instantly? God wants to encourage you that it’s a process He wants to take you on; not a rushed one but a gentle adventure of discovering who you really are. Allow God to bring to mind areas in your life that He wants you to reconsider. Then, have a discussion with Him about how He really wants this area to look in your life; consider your time, your approach to situations, your thoughts and the people you spend time with to stimulate your thinking. Once you have some instruction, ask God for strength to reset and strength to shift even some long-standing habits and ways of doing things.
Jeremiah 1:5 AMP
‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you [and approved of you as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I consecrated you [to Myself as My own]; I have appointed you as a prophet to the nations.’