Reimagine Rest   – your Lion Bites word for today

The spirit of the Lord says ‘I want you to reimagine rest with me today and discover the wonder and joy that can be found in what the world perceives as ‘doing nothing meaningful.’ Stopping for more than a moment, unwinding and laying your agendas aside is one of the most powerful things I have created you to do. Rest is like an atomic bomb of my power; a dynamite of my spirit. It ignites and sets alight fires that busyness never could. Rest is a power explosion waiting to happen.’

Before Jesus fed the five thousand, He withdrew Himself and rested. From this place, He then went to perform the outrageous miracle of taking five loaves and two fish and feeding thousands. This miracle preceded rest.

The Lord says ‘In the days where I am coming with intense glory and miracles do not be deceived into thinking you have to put lots of work in, all of the time, to see breakthrough. What I am about to do is impossible on a grand scale and an abundance of tasks on your part will never work up to it. Instead, punctuate your life with regular and deep times of rest; whether that be walking, sleeping, watching a movie, baking cakes, coffee with the family or reading a book. If you partner with me in this way, then you will also partner with me in unravelling supernatural manifestations of my spirit.’

Matthew 14:13-14
When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.


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