Raise a Holy Roar

Shout to Me, my Daughter!

Shout to Me, my Son!

Lift up your voices and shout to Me!

Let your heart’s cry be heard!

My Beloved, the cry of your heart needs to be heard in heaven and on earth. Your voice

matters. Your holy roar needs to be released. It will set free my power and my victory, and cause my kingdom to break in. 

Shout for your Lord and for His Kingdom – express your longing for my breakthroughs in a desperate battle cry! This is not a thought in your mind nor a whisper from your lips. It is a cry that emerges from the depth of your heart. Shout without restraints, without fear of men. 

It is the shout of my enslaved people for freedom. It is the shout of my mistreated ones for justice. It is the cry of the blind ones for their sight to be restored, of the deaf to hear, of the lame to walk. It is the pleading of parents before the Lord for their prodigals to return. It is the declaration of faith passed on in triumph from one generation to another. It is the battle cry of my warrior Bride for victory in the face of the enemies.


Go to a place where you are free to be “loud”. In this safe place let the cry of your heart come out. It may start slowly and gently. But then let it grow louder and louder. It

might have rhythm or melody or words – it might not. Express your feelings, your longings, your desperation – whatever is in the depth of your heart. Let it out as it

comes. Let your holy roar out! Shout to your Lord without restraint. As your confidence with this grows, consider doing it with your family, in a small group or in a church setting as Holy Spirit leads you.

Psalm 63:1-3 (NIV)

You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for You, in a dry and parched land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify (shâbach) you.

Psalm 145:3-4 (ESV)

Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall commend (shâbach) your works to another, and shall declare your

mighty acts.

Psalm 117 (TPT)

Let everyone everywhere shine with praise to Yahweh! Let it all out (shâbach)! Go

ahead and praise him! For he has conquered us with his great love and his kindness has

melted our hearts. His faithfulness lasts forever, and he will never fail you. So go ahead,

let it all out (shâbach)! Praise Yah! O Yah!


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