Rain is Coming

My Child,

You have been going through a wilderness season, trudging along, one step at a time, and wondering if this season will ever come to an end. You have felt lonely and lost at times, even angry and hurt. And now you are just exhausted. Although you might not have seen it and sometimes even doubted it, I have been with you, My child. I have protected and watched over you all the time.

Let Me encourage you, My beloved, the rain is coming. You will see water being poured out miraculously in places where it seems impossible to the natural eye. My life-giving water will finally bring the change, the breakthrough, the healing and the refreshment that you have been contending and waiting for.

My child, don’t give up now, so close before I pour out My waters of blessing over you and turn up mightily in your life. You are almost there. Cling to My hope and My promises. Don’t listen to the lies of the enemy who entices you to give up. Am I not the God who is bringing forth streams of water in the desert? Am I not the God who commands the wind and the rain?

Step out in faith and make careful preparations for when I pour out My rains there will be no time left to prepare.

Activation: Ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of the promises that God has given you over the years (both is scripture and through prophecy). Meditate on and declare them over the situations where you need breakthrough in your life.

Isaiah 43:19 (NLT)

For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.

1 Kings 18:44 (AMP)

And at the seventh time the servant said, “A cloud as small as a man’s hand is coming up from the sea.” And Elijah said, “Go up, say to Ahab, ‘Prepare your chariot and go down, so that the rain shower does not stop you.’”


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