Purified Ones

This is a call for the burning ones to stand up and to fight, taking back enemy ground that is rightfully mine. I am asking you to rise up with purified hearts and intentions. In this season I am rising up and taking back what is mine!

I want to take back every part of your heart that has been turned from me and bring it back to the place of yearning for me as you turn to me to meet every need. I am the way, the truth, and the life and where there have been dead places in you, I come to bring them back to life. 

I am reviving, healing, and purifying hearts in this season. I am asking you to allow my purification process to take place in your heart through the testing and challenges of this season. I want all of your attention and all of your intentions to be fixed and focused on me and my will in this season. No divided heart will take a rightful place in my kingdom; I am asking for your sole focus to be on me. 

I am calling forth the purified ones!

Allow yourself to be purified of all that has stolen your attention from me and to be solely focused on me and my purposes in this time.

Activation: Ask God to personally work with you as a response to this word to bring to mind the places where your focus is stolen and things vie for your attention. Allow him to show you the purification process you have been in and all that he is bringing out of this season.

Spend time decreeing and declaring for those around you as this is not a time to be solely introspective but a time to be extrospective and aware of those around us. Declare out loud:

I declare that there will be unity where the enemy has sought to cause division within relationships, families and friendships.

I declare that all the places of distraction will be turned to places of focus. 

I decree that any places where there has been death there will be life. 

I declare that God will bring purification to the hearts of those who yield to him in this season.

Exodus 34:14 (ESV)

For you shall worship no other God, for the Lord, Who’s name is jealous, is a jealous God.

Psalm 51:10 (ESV)

Create In me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.


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