Provoked Into Freedom

I am leading you forward into this season of change and showing you what relationships are important for you in this season, however, the enemy is also targeting those relationships and the ones that are dear to you. He is trying to remind you of pain in those relationships and he wants to provoke you into reliving that pain. He wants you to look through that lens of pain and break the relationships you need in this season to build My Kingdom. 

Use this provocation to push yourself forward into more freedom. 

Whenever you sense the enemy is provoking you, grab it and confront him. Let the enemy know that it will only cause more freedom instead of pain. Talk to Me about past pain and let me guide you into more freedom. Seek forgiveness, forgive others, and let me heal you. 

Don’t be provoked into staying in that place of pain and reliving what is not meant to be re-lived. Be provoked by Me to step into more freedom and let the enemy fall into his own ditch.

Activation: Ask God to show you if there is any pain or past trauma in the relationships that you have. This could be friendships in and out of church, but also look at relationships in your family. If there is any, ask the Lord what the root of that pain is and how – together with Him – you can get healing from it. 

Be steps ahead of the enemy and ask the Lord if there are situations from your past that the enemy is going to use as provocation. Deal with it before the enemy tries to break your relationships.

If there is anyone coming against you, ask the Lord how you can bless that person and then get to action and bless him or her. This could be by a prayer of blessing or maybe be wildly generous towards that person. 

Psalm 35:8 (NLT)

So let sudden ruin come upon them! Let them be caught in the trap they set for me! Let them be destroyed in the pit they dug for me.

1 Peter 3:8 (ESV)

‘Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing.’


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