Peace through the storm – your Lion Bites word for today

The Spirit of God says, move on into the new. Only look back to remind yourself of how Gods faithfulness brought you safely through the storms and challenges of life in victory.

Now, in this time determine that you are going to the “other side” and that some very present adverse circumstances will, as before, become subject to the sound of your voice of faith declaring “peace be still.” If you command the wind and waves to be still, they will obey and you will have safe passage.

Jesus is right in the midst of your forward momentum. He wants you to reject fear, stay on track, stand in faith and watch. You will be excited and awestruck as see everything come into alignment with Gods perfect plan for your life.

Keep your eyes focused on looking for the shoreline of your promised destination. It will come into view so keep moving until you feel the joyous jolt when you finally realise you have entered into, your new place of calling. Step out and occupy your new land of promise where fresh encounters and exploits with God await you.

Mark 4:39
He (Jesus) got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet, be still.” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.


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