Never Run Dry

You are not left dry and discarded.

You know that I am sometimes called the potter and that I shape and mould your life like a potter carefully moulds the clay.

So why do you feel so broken and dry?

Why do you feel Iike tiny parts of you are in shreds; dry bits of clay stuck on the floor and of no use? 

Watch beloved; a good craftsman uses all his material. A good potter takes a moist piece of clay, gathers up the old dry scraps, and moulds them back into pliable clay.

Let me gather your broken, dried areas, and I will refresh you with my spirit and give you a sense of wholeness and purpose.

Activation: Ask the Lord to show you any parts of you which feel dry and discarded. Renounce the lie that you are in pieces and of no use. Then ask Him to gather you and refresh you with His Spirit. 

Isaiah 64:8 (NIV)

Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter. We are all transformed by your hand.


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