Love One Another

I am calling you into a time of discipleship. 

There have been too many times when my church body has been isolated from one another, falling into independence and deception that they can do it on their own and in their own strength. 

Now it is a time of coming together and functioning together as one. I want you to birth communities of people who love one another deeply and journey life together. I am asking you to lay your roots deep in one another, building deeper friendships than you ever have before. It is vital that you are connected deeply into communities and you learn to love those around you furiously, just as I love you.


Ask the Lord where he wants you to be rooted and in community this season. Who are the people he wants you to build deeper relationship with and who are those to step away from in this season? Allow him to lead you in this and choose to be obedient to all he asks.

Allow him to help you understand what community looks like for you and what God is asking of you in loving those around you. 

John 15:12-13 (NIV)

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.


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