Daily Prophetic Words

Lion Bites are daily, personal, prophetic words, written to encourage, strengthen and comfort you.

Every day, Monday-Friday, our team send out these personal prophetic words around the world. They’re for your strengthening, comfort and encouragement. We’ve been listening to God and writing down what we believe He is saying for over a decade and you can browse the full archive of many thousands of words, below.

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What is the Holy Spirit saying to you today?

Don’t Give Up

My child, don’t give up! I know there have been many times lately when it has felt like giving up would be the wisest option. I am looking right now for those who will press in to Me; I am looking for those who will not give up. I am asking you to pick up […]

Read More20th September 2024

Costly Fellowship

My child, I know that in the past you have been wounded by those that you have journeyed alongside. You have borne the weight of fractured relationships, hurt and betrayal. I see the wounds that you carry, that you have bandaged over, but that are not yet fully healed. The scars that feel raw and […]

Read More19th September 2024

Set Sail

My child, Board your ship and set sails. You have prepared yourself faithfully for this next season. Now it is time to pull up the anchor and set sail to a new territory. Let My Spirit be the wind in your sails. He will guide you to the new land I have prepared for you. […]

Read More18th September 2024

Mourn with Me

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted (Matthew 5:4). The Lord says: “I see the burden of grief that you carry. ‘How so, Lord?’, you ask, ‘Everything with me is fine’. But I see into the depths of your heart and there are griefs and losses you have not resolved. They lie […]

Read More17th September 2024

Embrace the New Wine

The Lord says, “Why do you hold onto the old wineskins and old vessels that carried the wine of yesterday? Yes, there was a time and purpose for them, but not today. The old vessels are not constructed in a way that’s conducive to or strong enough to carry the new thing that I am […]

Read More16th September 2024

Walk out your Faith

Beloved, walk out your faith.  Faith is not only having the right concept of Me or believing that My Word is true. Faith is acting upon My Word. Putting into practice what I call you to say and to do.  Acting out your faith demonstrates your trust in me.  Walking out your faith opens my […]

Read More13th September 2024

Love Surrounds You

Beloved – My love never fails. My love never fails! Once more beloved, I say to you, my love never fails. My love goes before you, making your paths straight.  My love covers your back, freeing you from all that would wrongly hold you in place. My love walks beside you, keeping your hands steady. […]

Read More12th September 2024

Keep off the Grass

The Lord says, “In every area of life, it is the wisdom of man to protect costly investments. I want to encourage you to protect your heart like never before.  It is your most valuable asset; it affects every area of your life. Many have been through a time of pruning – even stripping right […]

Read More11th September 2024

Let’s Walk On

Beloved, let’s walk on. I called you up my mountain and in the pursuit of my call you have suffered some knocks along the way.  Now, as you keep moving forward, I am healing you. I bind up the broken hearted, I bestow to them the oil of joy instead of mourning, a garment of […]

Read More10th September 2024

Love that Heals

My child, I have extended your wings and enlarged your vision so that you can receive the people I will send you. Don’t think you’re not equipped for this for I know how I have chiselled you in these last months and years.  Now is the time to welcome the desperate, the hungry and the […]

Read More9th September 2024


My precious one, I have given you and continue to give you a treasure trove of experiences that have defined and shaped you! You are now ready to share your testimony. As you meet others, your testimony will shine like a golden ray of sunlight, piercing through the darkness allowing Me to minister to them. […]

Read More6th September 2024

The Fear of the Lord

I am a good, good father. I am your protector and shield. You are my child. How a father interacts with his children reflects their relationship. Whether it is honour, respect, and love, or the opposite, I am no different. A father never wants his children to be afraid of him, but he does require […]

Read More5th September 2024
Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team


Dearly beloved, the power within you is to produce and multiply; and multiplication begins with your thoughts, good or bad. Whatever you set your mind to and speak in faith will come to pass. Every thought is like a seed that has the potential to produce much when brought into manifestation by the spoken word.

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

Purify and Prepare

Draw close to me, for there is a process of Holy Purification being released upon my body. As you draw close to me in this process, the doors of preparation will be unlocked. My spirit will lead you through this process. Think of Esther. Before she could step into her role, she went through a

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

The Unified Bride

For too long, my church has divided and separated herself, operating from silos and bunkers. She has disagreed among herself over subjects that have not been a priority to me. In her well-meaning ways, she has placated the world and has lost sight of the mandate that I have given her. I am now calling

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

Community Alignment

I am calling my children to be in alignment in the relationships I have specifically designed for you. Who you spend time with is important to Me, and I want you to connect with the right people at the right time.  This means understanding that there may be people around you who seem to be

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

Join Together

Children, My Ecclesia is like a fruit basket where fruits of different varieties are all close to each other causing them to ripen faster. By being in contact with each other, the fruit ripens quickly.  Like the variety of fruit found in a bowl, so you my children will also mature faster as you allow

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

On Earth as it is in Heaven

I am Love and my Kingdom is a realm where love thrives, abounds and permeates every single being. It is a place of abundance, laughter, kindness and never-ending resources. The daily manna for my people in the desert was but a glimpse of my Kingdom provision. There is no space for hate, bitterness, judgement, greed

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

True Love

Dear One, what is True Love?  Society pursues it, people yearn for it, some claim to have found it – but without me there is never fullness. True Love can only be found in Me, for I AM love! I AM patient and kind; not envious, boastful, dishonouring or delighting in evil; I rejoice in

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

Undivided Heart

My beloved bride, I long for you to know wholeness and complete security in My love.  When a close friend visits your home, do you keep them on the doorstep to talk, or do you invite them in to spend precious time with you?   I am standing at the door of your heart and asking

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

Shattering Containment

Beloved, I am the Divine One who grants you the same unrivalled power and authority that raised Christ from the dead. I gave you the keys of confidence and boldness to unlock these gifts to be used mightily for My Kingdom. Your light is meant to be seen, bright enough to combust darkness. Your voice

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team


My beloved, I encourage you to be steady and sure-footed to avoid slipping or falling into unwanted places. In whatever you undertake, look first at your foundations and where you are grounded, and always prioritise building on a strong foundation in everything you do. Take each step cautiously to ensure both your safety and stability.

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

Overcoming Fire

The Lord says, “I have been bringing my fire of purification to my chosen ones this season, which has brought much deliverance, healing, and perseverance. I rejoice with you, sons and daughters, as you overcome these tests and trials in great victory! I am singing over you today for your obedience in the past season!

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Lion Bites Daily Prophetic Words
GPA Lion Bites Team

Everyday Alignment

Beloved, I know that you have felt an imbalance within you of late – that you sense a misalignment that you were not aware of before. You have questioned the feelings of discontent within your spirit, for you believed you were in step with me. Your eyes have been fixed on me in the bigger

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