Lift Your Staff

I am on the move, and I am checking the hearts of My people. How will I find yours? Will your heart tremble at the spirit of fear, or will it tremble in the holy fear of Me? Once again, I am bringing My people out of bondage at speed. No longer are you to stand still, waiting in front of the sea of adversity in fear, stopped by it as if it’s an insurmountable obstacle. No, I am moving. My people, stop trembling before the sea and tremble before Me! Tremble before My presence, in awe, confident expectation, and reverence. For I am about to pass by.

Why do you look back at your situation as if you were helpless? Look forward and see Me. I am advancing and I expect you to advance with Me. I will empower you to divide the seas as I take you to a safe place. Where is the staff that I have given you? Lift it! Watch in awe as the sea trembles and flees before Me, see how it splits in two. I am The LORD and at My presence, the sea is going to tremble again. My people, put your full confidence in Me alone. It is time to lift your staff and advance with Me through the sea to dry ground!

Activation: Prophetic acts are a great way to connect with what God is saying and activate it in your life. Using what God has said in the prophetic word above, we’re going to act this out. The Lord is saying…” Where is your staff? It is time to lift your staff and split the sea in two.”

  • PRAY:  Lord, cause my body, mind, heart, and spirit to tremble before You, You the God of wonders and mighty works!
  • PROCLAIM OUT LOUD: I will tremble before The Lord and no other. I am not afraid of the sea or any massive obstacle before me. 
  • LIFT YOUR STAFF: Imagine the sea – this is whatever the massive obstacle is that stands in front of you forbidding you to advance. Now take a staff, or anything symbolising it. Lift it, reach out with your hand over the sea, and SEE it divided in two. 

This week, each time that a sea – an obstacle – presents itself before you, lift your staff, divide it in two, and advance from within it.

Psalm 114:1-3,5,7-8 (ESV)

When Israel went out from Egypt, the house of Jacob from a people of strange language, Judah became his sanctuary, Israel his dominion. The sea looked and fled; Jordan turned back. . . . What ails you, O sea, that you flee? O Jordan, that you turn back? . . . Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob, who turns the rock into a pool of water, the flint into a spring of water.

Exodus 14:15-16 (CJB)

“Adonai asked Moshe, “Why are you crying to me? Tell the people of Isra’el to go forward! Lift your staff, reach out with your hand over the sea, and divide it in two. The people of Isra’el will advance into the sea on dry ground.”


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