Let it Go

In these days of crossing over, I need you to let go of everything that once was. Bring me all of you, everything you rely on, all your hopes and dreams. Bring it all. 

It is time to let the self come to a final end. This is where you end and I begin. 

Lay it all at my feet. I will breathe life into dreams you had forgotten about and allow other things to fade away. I will tell you what to pick up again and what to leave with me.

This is not just a new chapter, it is a new era. As the parts of you that grieve me wither away, I will resurrect you in my strength and position you for a destiny that cannot be accessed without me.   

Activation: Write down everything that you rely on. Your finances, your work, your relationships and ask Holy Spirit to highlight any key areas. Bring your list to him in prayer and lay it all at His feet, give him permission to do as he will with it all. 

John 12:24 (NIV)

Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.


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