Leap for Joy! – your Lion Bites word for today

Luke 1:44-45 NIV
As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfil his promises to her!

I hear the Spirit of the Lord asking, “Do you believe my promises? Have you taken my Word as truth? Is your spirit leaping as John the Baptist did in the womb when he encountered ME?

It is time for a season of joy. A joy that comes not because of perfect or even good circumstances, but a joy that comes as the fruit of who I am! It comes when you believe and receive my promises. Partake and choose to believe that I have promises to fulfil in your life. Choose to believe my Word. Choose to celebrate ME – WHO I AM in you and in your life! And as you do, joy will bubble up and overflow. You won’t be able to help it as you will LEAP FOR JOY!”

Be deliberate in this season to dwell in the joy of the Lord. If you feel that your joy is lacking, take time to find a Scripture or promise of joy and then write it out and post it in your house a reminder that joy is yours for the taking!


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