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A relational alliance of prophets around the globe.

The Global Prophetic Alliance is a network designed to enable connection and commitment; a relational alliance of prophets around the world. It’s a family, with responsibilities on both sides of the relationship, a two-way connection, warfaring together to advance the Kingdom.

Working outwards from our main hub in Glasgow, Scotland we will together:


Inspiring, training and equipping the church.

Our vision is to inspire, train and equip the church around the world so that she is prophetically and supernaturally resourced to transform nations by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Opportunities for Connection

Connecting with this network brings you into a family bond of committed, covenant relationship with one another.
We offer opportunities to connect with the Global Prophetic Alliance on four levels, each with different benefits, expectations and responsibilities.
The four levels are:


Church or Ministry Leaders and Senior Prophets

Who is this for?

Senior church/ministry leaders who have a high value for the revealed voice of God. Established senior prophets and Prophetic Nest Leaders.
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Churches, Ministries, Charities or Kingdom Businesses who would like to be associated with the Global Prophetic Alliance.

Who is this for?

Organisations, churches, ministries, non-profits or Kingdom Business Enterprises.
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Individuals and families

Who is this for?

Individuals, couples and families who are taking their first steps in prophetic or apostolic ministry or who simply want to be aligned and partner with a global prophetic network. Including members of our Global Miracle Teams.
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