I will come and cleanse like a roaring fire, clearing a way for you to complete the work I have given you to do. Ideas have become tainted, projects have lost their potency of holiness, and weariness has set in because the outcomes are no longer fulfilling the original vision and desire that I put with in you.
Remember that I commanded Joshua to burn the towns of the newly invaded promised land with fire, to claim the land. Repent – turnaround – and invite my fire. I will show you what needs to be burned away if you seek me on this. Then walk again into my promises. Take no prisoners. Do not be compromised. See that I can clear the way by cleansing anything that is not of me and sending my Spirit to empower and re-envision you.
Psalm 97:3-6
Fire goes in front of him and burns up his enemies around him. His lightning lights up the world; the earth sees it and trembles. The hills melt like wax before the Lord, before the Lord of all the earth. The heavens proclaim his righteousness and all the nations see his glory.