I Remember

My child, you are always on my mind, in my thoughts, and in my heart. In fact, I have imprinted you on my hand. I never forget you. Yet, there are specific moments when thoughts of you ascend, like a sweet aroma and I remember you more intensely; my plans for you, your prayers, our beautiful relationship. I am passionate and determined that nothing will hinder our mutual journey. Nothing will stop you from taking the next step in the destiny I have planned for you.

In my written word, see how when I remember it has impacted individuals, communities and nations creating global, national, and individual change.

When Noah was in the Ark with his family and the animals, at the point where I remembered him the flood waters began to recede, leading them out of the Ark to dry land. When I remembered the children of Israel and my covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I caused a process to begin where Moses was instrumental in their release from Egypt. When I remembered Hannah, she conceived her son (Samuel) who impacted the destiny of Israel.

I remember you, my child, and I empower you to remember. Partner with me as you remember your nation, your family, your dreams, and others. See the doors of protectiveness and access being moved into correct position. See chains being broken not just over yourself but over your nation. See people being released from the clutches of the enemy. Let’s remember together so we can initiate a process of change. This is a weapon for your arsenal, will you use it? Allow my passion to stir in your heart. See doors open, chains broken and the deliverance of my children as we talk about those things you remember.

Activation: Ask Holy Spirit

a)      To show what is on the Father’s heart regarding you, your family, or your community.

b)     What was His original plan concerning this area?

c)      How you can partner with Him to bring about His plan?

Genesis 8:1 (NIV)

But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded.

Exodus 6:5 (NIV)

Moreover, I have heard the groaning of the Israelites, whom the Egyptians are enslaving, and I have remembered my covenant

Romans 1:9 (NIV)

God, whom I serve in my spirit in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you in my prayers at all times. .  .


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