Isaiah 55:11
So My Word which goes from My mouth will not return to Me empty. It will do what I want it to do, and will carry out My plan well.
The Lord is speaking to you today about unfulfilled promises that rest upon your life. He is coming to you and pulling to the forefront dreams, desires, promises and prophecies that you have put on the back shelf and forgotten because you have not seen them come to fruition.
He reminds you today, “My word has yet to return to me! It is still out and doing its job!” He asks you, “Will you partner with my word to carry out my plan? Will you look beyond what you see with your physical eyes and choose to believe the unseen reality of my Spirit’s workings?”
His word is still carrying out His plan over your life. He has not forgotten you. He has not forgotten the promises He made with you. He has not forgotten His will for your life.

Abraham’s Trust (Part 3)
The Spirit of the Lord says, “Beloved one, there is...
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