God Sees and Rewards – your Lion Bites word for today

Lift up your head and be encouraged today, for you serve El Roi – the God Who Sees!

God saw you faithfully sow much into the lives of His people; He watched as you often pushed past your thirst and hunger to nourish and feed others. And He says “was I not the one who stood at the temple, watching as the rich through their gold into the offering, yet I turned my eyes toward the poor women who’s love abounded toward me and moved her to give everything she had? Just as I saw this woman give her all, so I saw you give everything you had – even in your time of famine.

My eyes are on you and, as you contend for a real breakthrough, I am releasing advance into your midst. I am releasing upon your life now the ability to replicate that which I have planted in you and multiplication shall be yours – with immediate effect!”

Grab hold of this revelation for today and begin to wage warfare over your multiplication – He sees you, He’s with you and, now, He is breaking through for you.

Galatians 6:9
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.