Find Me in the Familiar

The Sovereign Lord says: “I am a God who is familiar with all your ways. There is nothing that I don’t know about you. I know your likes and dislikes, your hopes and your disappointments, your joys and your sorrows. I am acquainted with your moods, your motives and your musings. Because I know you so well, there are questions I see deep in your heart that you still want to ask Me, like: ‘How is that you know me so completely but I still find it difficult to understand your ways? How is it that so much of my time is spent not feeling or sensing your presence? How is it that one day I experience you close to me and another day I feel as though you are at a distance?’

Know this, my child, that I am here to answer these questions that are producing doubts and causing concern about your connection with Me. I see the war that is being waged for your attention – where your focus on Me is under siege from the world and the enemy. I will not allow this battle to prevent you from connecting with me so I will make it easier for you to find Me. As I am familiar with your ways, I will make it so that you will find Me in the things that are well known to you. I will bring you revelation through these things because I want you to know Me better and I want to be more familiar to you than anything – and everything! Test me in this. Find me in the familiar,” says the Lord.

Activation: Compile a list of things that are familiar to you such as a place, a Bible verse, a song, a photograph or picture, an item of clothing, a particular food, a person, a pastime, a tree or a flower, an item of jewellery, and so on. 

Select one of these, picture it in your mind and think about what it represents to you. Ask Holy Spirit why this is significant what does it reveal about your connection with Him. Also, ask if there is something He wants to impart to you through it.

Finally, pray to Holy Spirit to continue to use these things to prompt you to seek His presence and know Him better through them. Keep a look out for those familiar things because the Lord will be waiting for you.

Psalm 139:1-4 (NIV)

You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.

You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.

You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.

Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely.

Proverbs 18:15 (NIV)

The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.


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