Fellowship in Warfare

Beloved, in this season I am pouring out grace for deeper fellowship. Come and gather from the storehouses of Heaven the resources, the time, the energy, everything you need. It is time to stretch wide, open your home, feed many, and embrace depth, vulnerability, and generosity.

The enemy is prowling and looking for those who are isolated. Be surrounded, but also look out for those who need drawing in. I will make the dinner table like a fortress, releasing power through laughter and transformation through conversation. In that place you will move from defence to offence and the strength of my people in community will strike fear in the enemy.

Activation: Spend time honestly asking yourself what holds you back from deeper relationships or building new relationships. Ask the Holy Spirit for his strategy and provision for overcoming this. How does he want you to grow in relationships?

Acts 2:44 (NLT)

And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had.

Ephesians 1:15-17 (MSG)

That’s why, when I heard of the solid trust you have in the Master Jesus and your outpouring of love to all the followers of Jesus, I couldn’t stop thanking God for you—every time I prayed, I’d think of you and give thanks.

2 Peter 1:3 (NLT)

By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvellous glory and excellence.

Creator God

Beloved, I AM Elohim, the Mighty Creator God.  My creation...

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