Everyday Alignment

Beloved, I know that you have felt an imbalance within you of late – that you sense a misalignment that you were not aware of before. You have questioned the feelings of discontent within your spirit, for you believed you were in step with me. Your eyes have been fixed on me in the bigger things – the places you are positioned, the call upon your life, the Kingdom relationships you are building. But how is your everyday alignment? For I do not only require your ‘yes’ for the bigger things. I also require your submission in the everyday rhythms of life. I am calling you to greater and deeper things in the next season, but first, you need to ensure that you surrender your every day to me.

You may feel that your daily life is mundane – but it is far from it. Align yourself with me at every opportunity you can. Dedicate your day to me as you make your morning coffee, celebrate my provision as you shop for groceries, declare my Kingdom over your neighbourhood as you drive through, and show my love to those around you as you interact with them. Take every self-seeking thought captive and ask me to renew your mind. Turn away from the devices that numb you and invite me to comfort you instead. Surrender your everyday alignment to me, and together we will create sure foundations for us to build my Kingdom upon.


Close your eyes and take an internal inventory of your everyday rhythms. Run through a typical day in your mind and ask Holy Spirit to highlight the specific areas that He wants to bring into alignment today. Hold each highlighted area before the Lord and ask for revelation of practical strategies you can use to help you do this. Declare aloud, “Lord, I submit my daily life to You. I order my everyday rhythms to come into alignment with the rhythm of Your Spirit now.” Commit to doing this every day—to ask the Lord daily for the area of your life that He is asking for you to bring into alignment with His purposes and submit yourself to the way He is working within you.

Romans 12:2 (NIV)

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Psalms 139:22-24 (MSG)

Investigate my life, O God, find out everything about me; Cross-examine and test me, get a clear picture of what I’m about; See for yourself whether I’ve done anything wrong— then guide me on the road to eternal life.


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