Enthroned on High

Beloved, close your eyes and imagine. See Me as the Sovereign King and the perfect Judge. See My Throne of Righteousness and Justice established on high. I am seated above all kingdoms and peoples of this earth ready to hold court. Watch as all the people assemble before Me. 

I am ready to reveal my justice and to proclaim my judgement. I will hold everyone accountable for everything they have done and for everything they did not do. Those who are repentant and have suffered injustice or have seen others suffer will rejoice because I will set things right. Those who have committed injustice themselves and are not repentant will fear or loathe Me because retribution is at hand. For I know every heart and I read every mind. I see all the good deeds and all the evil doings. Nothing is hidden from My sight; I will sit in judgement over it all. However, all those who genuinely call upon the name of My Son Jesus will be saved. 

I will look at the perfect sacrifice of My Son on the cross and I will let them pass through Him as The Gateway into My Kingdom. Those who trust in Him and call upon Him will be saved. They will not be judged for their evil doings, nor will they be saved by their own good deeds, for salvation comes through Christ’s sacrifice alone. This is an act of My passionate love and a sign of My everlasting faithfulness.

My Beloved, I ask that you earnestly remember My holiness and sovereignty. Acknowledge and live by My righteousness and justice. Even as I sit in judgement over the whole earth, I, The Almighty and The Compassionate One, long for you, your family, and all the Nations of the earth to call upon My Son and be saved.


Imagine the Lord on His throne and all the nations gathered around Him. You and all your people are also among them. Let it sink in. Be aware of your emotions and thoughts and bring them before the Lord. Marvel at the fact that you are redeemed by the sacrifice of Christ Jesus on the cross. Then, declare that God’s throne of righteousness and justice, as well as the perfect sacrifice of Christ on the cross, be established over you, your family, your neighborhood, your city, your nation, and any other nations that the Lord places on your heart.

Psalm 7:7-9 (CEV)

Make the nations come to you, as you sit on your throne above them all.   Our LORD, judge the nations! Judge me and show that I am honest and innocent. You know every heart and mind, and you always do right. Now make violent people stop, but protect all of us who obey you.

Psalm 89:14(ESV)

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you.

Romans 10:13 (NIV)

for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”


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