Dirt In The Streets – your Lion Bite word for today

Some of you feel you are stuck in the mud, covered in muddy lies. I am washing this dirt from you; I am releasing you from the mud.

This mud will represent different things to different people; for some, it is a deep pain; for others, it is lies masquerading as truths you have believed. The lies of ‘I am not good enough or ‘I am not worthy.’ The pains of loss, disappointment and grief.  These lies and pains have kept you from growing and advancing.

Today let me release you from the stuck places. Let me wash the mud away. I am arming you with pure truth from my word, my living water to soothe and cleanse. Then you will beat the lies as fine as dust before the wind and cast the lies out.


Ask the Lord if there are any muddy stains you believe, then ask Him to wash you with truths from His word, repent for believing the lies and receive His forgiveness. 

THEN pour the lies away just like dirt in the streets. 

Psalm 18: 42 NKJV Then I beat them as fine as the dust before the wind: I cast them out like dirt in the streets. 


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