Dance For Joy

Glorious bride, get ready to dance!

In the midst of heaviness, burdens and frightening news, I have given you a remedy from the up-side-down Kingdom:

  • Exuberant joy
  • A childlike spirit
  • Laughter and dancing

The enemy doesn’t know how to combat joy in you. So I am inviting you now to let your hair down and join the heavenly party! Laugh out loud! Raise your arms and leap for joy. It is truly medicine for the soul. You have to be intentional about this. It will require losing your dignity for a moment. But if you participate, the effects will be remarkable. Soul wounds will heal. Your mind will be invigorated. New energy will flow through your body. The atmosphere around you will transform and angels will join in with the joyful noise.

When you come in the opposite spirit, walls crumble, barriers lift, and strongholds break. When Satan tells you to be quiet, shout! When he whispers lies in your ear, laugh right back at him. Make this your new normal, an everyday deal.

Activation: As a prophetic act, “remove” the garment of heaviness off your body. Now, replace it with a garment of praise. If you have some fabric you can use it to put over your shoulders as an act of clothing yourself with this new mantle. Ask the Father to fill you with joy as you sweep the garment of praise around you. Then, take it a step further. Put on some music and leap for joy and express jubilant victory with everything inside of you!

Proverbs 17:22 (NIV)

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Psalm 30:11-12 (MSG)

You did it: you changed wild lament

into whirling dance;

You ripped off my black mourning band

and decked me with wildflowers.

I’m about to burst with song;

I can’t keep quiet about you.

GOD, my God,

I can’t thank you enough.

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