‘Where you have become stuck and almost paralysed in your moving forward I am releasing breakthrough into your stagnancy and I am causing you to now move at speed.’
For some there has been a curse over you that has prohibited your moving forward and God is coming into your midst today and breaking its hold over your life. Immediately you will feel free to move and pursue the things of His Kingdom that He has released over your life.
For others you have found yourself out of sync and out of place in the Kingdom. But, the Lord says, ‘As I speak this word, I will change the direction you are heading in and a course correction will occur. You will find yourself in my kairos time and in my ordained place; in step and in time with my will for your life. This will enable you to fulfil the call that I have place in your shoulders. Instead of feeling lost and stuck, you will be feel released, alive in your purpose.
This is not a season to stand still, rather it is a time of movement in my Kingdom. A time of advance, yes, but a time of being rightly-aligned with your purpose, living in your call and fulfilling your destiny. Allow me to change your direction and then release you to advance.’
Isaiah 30:21
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”