Confident Trust

My beloved Child! I know that you are trusting me as best you can. You express your trust in prayer. You act in trust in many challenging situations. You trust me despite adverse circumstances. However, there is still a lingering fear, a sliver of distrust, a slight questioning whether I am fully trustworthy. You still fear that I might close my hand over you, restraining your freedom. You still fear that I might fail to come through on one of my promises. You still fear that I might turn my eyes from you and abandon you.

My beloved one, these fears that hold you point to negative experiences you have had in life. People can and have failed you but I encourage you today to lay down the mistrust these experiences have taught you. People might have failed you on occasions. They might have treated you unjustly or abused you. You might have felt abandoned and left behind by them. I want to heal these deep soul wounds and restore your trust in me. The events can’t be changed but let me in on those memories. Ask me to come into those situations. 

Become aware of where I am and what I do and say. Watch me, listen to me and let me protect and heal you. Let me restore peace and justice in your heart. It is all in my hands and under my control. Where you can’t trust fully, let me complete and fulfill your trust in me. I want you to walk in confident trust. This is the only way you can stand firm in the days to come.


Become aware of the Lord’s presence with you in the room. Appreciate him for who he is. Then ask the Lord to bring forth a memory that is still hurtful. Become aware of him in the situation and observe what he is doing and saying. Ask him for help. Let him bring healing, forgiveness, closure, and peace to the situation. Let him restore your trust.

Sometimes soul hurts are too deep to deal with it by yourself. If it’s needed, ask a trusted person to pray with you in pursuing freedom and restoration. In those occasions, trusting someone will be the first step to healing and restoration, so that you can start walking in full and confident trust in your Lord and Savior.

Isaiah 30:15 (AMP)

For the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel Has said this: In returning [to Me] and rest you shall be saved, in quietness and confident trust is your strength. But you are not willing. 

John 14:1 (NLT)

Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and trust also in me.

Psalm 13:6 (CJB)

But I trust in your grace, my heart rejoices as you bring me to safety. I will sing to Adonia, because he gives me even more that I need.


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